The counter offer. Is it fools gold?
Posted on Friday, March 8, 2024 by Hazel Gillespie — No comments
Ever been tempted to stay by a counter-offer? Here's why you might want to think twice before accepting.
Firstly, let's consider the reasons you wanted to leave. More often than not, it's not just about the money, right? It could be the company culture, lack of progression, your relationship with your line Manager or key colleagues, or perhaps the work itself. While a counter-offer might sweeten your salary deal, it's unlikely to change those underlying issues.
Also, reflect on the fact that, once you've revealed your intent to leave, trust can be compromised. Your loyalty might be questioned, and it may well affect your future in the company, and not in a good way. Are you ready to be potentially sidelined for promotions or important projects because you're now seen as a flight risk?
Moreover, statistics don't lie. A staggering number of professionals who accept counter-offers find themselves back on the job market within a year. Why? Because the root causes of their dissatisfaction haven't been addressed. It only put a plaster on a wound that really needs stitches, or major surgery. A temporary fix that didn't solve the real problem.
Finally, be aware that accepting a counter-offer could burn your bridges with the company you almost joined. You've likely spent considerable time and effort during the interview process, and backing out last minute can damage that relationship permanently.
So, before you say 'yes' to that counter-offer, pause and consider the full picture. As well as the cash, think about your long-term career satisfaction and growth. Remember, it's your journey, and you deserve a career path that aligns with your aspirations, ambitions and values.
#CareerAdvice #CounterOffer #recruitment